participants’ work


The photographs presented in this section are the final outcome of each workshop.
Their creators range from professional photographers to people who may have just learned how to hold a camera.
The challenge in these workshops is how to bring out each one’s unique glance.
Click on each participant’s name to view the portfolio full-screen.


Jose Farinha, Portugal

“The Istanbul workshop was my first one with Nikos and it was undoubtedly a great experience. Nikos’ comments and guidelines during the editing sessions were so much appreciated and eye opening for the never ending search for good photos. The group was very interesting as well and I learned so much not only from the

Keng-Fun Loh, Singapore

“This is my third workshop with Nikos and even though I should know what to expect, it was still such an intense journey from agony, elation through awakening, without any bullshit. It was like a much needed spiritual cleansing to expel the bad habits for a simple goal to make a better photograph that’s visually

Aisling Murray, Ireland-USA

My experience in Beirut, participating in a photography workshop with Nikos was not only BRILLIANT and AMAZING, it was something more! The daily editing sessions were key to learning more not just about my own work and what direction it might take, but I learn’t so much from everyone else too and what you taught

Monica Trachsel, Switzerland

The Sanliurfa workshop was inspiring and exciting both with regard to the photos taken by the other members of the group as well as the area and the cities we were visiting. Further, I enjoyed the evening sessions. I like the way Nikos criticizes the pictures of the photographers and gives them advice each on

Christine FitzGerald, Ireland

The Myanmar “on the road” trip was such an enjoyable and memorable experience. I really enjoyed meeting Nikos, and all the other participants, and have genuinely learnt so much, which is gradually finding it’s way into my photography. Nikos’s passion for photography was inspiring. I found him to be a great teacher, warm, genuine, direct,

Jun Javelosa, Philippines

People ask me why I keep attending Nikos’ workshops. Well, I can’t imagine a better way to experience and photograph a new place than through Nikos’ workshop! The regimen and discipline it requires is just impossible to duplicate if you’re otherwise simply traveling on holiday. What’s even better is that you get daily feedback and instruction. We see ourselves

Christos Georgalas, Greece

There is a british saying – “those who can, do and those who can’t, teach” – and indeed, judging from my profession the best surgeons are usually unable to transmit their knowledge insofar as their talent and ingenuity is what drives them, and this cannot be easily transferred. So, I I did not know what

James Wellence, USA

I’ve been thinking the past two weeks, trying to re-evaluate my photos with a better, more critical eye. Seeing how you evaluate each photo, examining each element, their relation to each other, and how they come together to make a photograph changed the way I look at photographs now. And I think this is what

Duygu Aytac, Turkey

For me the Istanbul workshop was, above all, a great chance to see how an exceptional photographer such as Nikos looks at, selects and talks about photographs. Nikos was keen to understand our photographs first and then offered ways to improve them. While doing so, he was always up-front and honest but never condescending or

Benedikt Göttert, Germany

It worked — or as Nikos said “It always works”. I needed three days to throw everything over board I thought to know about photography. How to select backgrounds, how to use the 35mm lens, how to lead the eye of the beholder, how to avoid clichees, how to get closer, how to recognize a

Theo Erbenius, Sweden

To go on a workshop with Nikos is one big learning experience. It means to challenge yourself in ways that at least I don’t do in my everyday life. I really appreciate his strong opinions and straightforwardness. To talk about photography and show your daily work to him is very rewarding because of his profound

Fahri Yasar, Turkey

“Ethiopia was my second workshop with Nikos, at the end of each workshop I wish to be everlasting. Being in photographically gorgeous places with fantastic people in group and of course Nikos’s pragmatic approach to photography was a wonderful experience. I fell i made a big step up as a photographer. I would like to thank Nikos not

Fabio Berzaghi, Italy

After the first meeting with Nikos, I felt my photos and the way I thought about them were too old and ordinary. Nikos shared some of his hints with me and the other guys, and as a consequence I started to feel more comfortable with my camera while taking pictures in different situations: I thought

Graciela Magnoni, Uruguay

I participated in 5 workshops with Nikos Economopoulos. He keeps guiding me so that I can keep defining my photographic style. Always pointing out and reminding to avoid cliches, déjà vu, mannerism, easy formulas, tricks, boring images and the list goes on. Always making sure we prioritize content and form to make strong images that

Lars Just, Danemark

For me as a professional photojournalist, to be with Nikos takes me back to photography where surprise and curiosity are key elements, instead of telling the story as specific as possible – as many editors seek today. Working in a fast moving newsflow, photojournalism needs surprise to stop readers, and Niko’s photography does exactly that.

Alex Wydler, Switzerland

This was my third workshop with Nikos. The Iran trip was a unique journey and we all had a great time. But more important, thanks to the up-front teaching of Nikos, I could made a big step forward in my photography. I’m looking forward going with Nikos “on the road” again!

Leif Sandberg, Sweden

My sincere thanks for the exciting workshop in Istanbul. I really enjoyed the time with you and the other participants. It opened my eyes for things I have been looking for (getting away from boring pictures). I certainly have lots to think about and practicing to do for some months now and I am sure

Alex Wydler, Switzerland

“It’s a unique opportunity to push yourself a step further in photography. Challenge yourself! Leave all you know (or might know) about photography behind you. Face the reviews in the evenings and go out the next morning and try to do better than the day before. Thats what I did and since then I know

Maria Marin, Spain

The workshop with Nikos was a great experience. Nikos is an incredible generous educator, encouraging and inspiring. His dedication and passion for photography is contagious and inspiring and it has stuck with me. I enjoyed the workshop and felt that I learned a great deal. I would recommend it to everybody!

Luis Ushirobira, Brazil

(…) During this workshop, (the) edition pointed clearly that the kind of connection I establish with people and the environment while photographing them reflects on the kind of photography i make. Thus through photography I got an interesting connection with istanbullus, with the city and with myself. In that intense week I went hardly into

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