participants’ work


The photographs presented in this section are the final outcome of each workshop.
Their creators range from professional photographers to people who may have just learned how to hold a camera.
The challenge in these workshops is how to bring out each one’s unique glance.
Click on each participant’s name to view the portfolio full-screen.


Rose Vandepitte, Belgium

Reflecting on the workshop in Varanasi I can first of all say that I am happy that I joined the workshop and that I am satisfied with the whole experience. The structure really suited my way of going about things. Being free during the day to go and photograph wherever an whatever I wanted and

Pegah Abdollahian, Iran

The workshop with Nikos, was a unique experience. He opened a new door to the world of photography for me. The tips he gave me were extremely useful and his advises clearly changed my photography approach. Finally I want to thank the whole group that made the experience unforgettable, and I am looking forward to

Maria Spyropoulou, Greece

I had the chance to participate in one of Nikos Economopoulos’ photographic journeys-workshops. The unique and very particular way that he has in guiding you without giving you recipes, while respecting your personal worldview, turns the whole photographic experience into a broad aesthetic and intellectual experience, as well as pure joy. Within just a few

Jose Farinha, Portugal

“The Istanbul workshop was my first one with Nikos and it was undoubtedly a great experience. Nikos’ comments and guidelines during the editing sessions were so much appreciated and eye opening for the never ending search for good photos. The group was very interesting as well and I learned so much not only from the

Matt Kamholtz, USA

I liked very much not only the editing process but the general discussions we had about photography, and the way you challenged everyone and frankly shared your opinions. In my opinion, the more opinionated, the better. (…) I liked the way you emphasized the idea of creating the portfolio from pictures with a similar approach.

Bruno Leite, Brazil

Being part of the On The Road Workshop was a unique experience for me. Spent 7 days in Istanbul dedicated to photography, shooting during the day and editing at night with your opinion making my thoughts about photography and what I was doing move to another level. I have learned a lot by listening many

Andrey Volkov, Belgium

I would like to express my gratitude to Nikos for being not only an attentive and demanding photography mentor, but also for being a humble, caring and infinitely friendly person. It was always a pleasure for us to share with him not only ideas about photography, but also numerous stories about his life and adventures. I

Michael Barnes, UK

 I would like to say how very much I valued Nikos’ perceptive, insightful and supportive comments. While just starting out in photography the workshop was a really valuable guide on how I should be thinking about it. I really liked the emphasis on looking for the humanity in the image, the unusual, the abnormal, the avoidance

Mehri Jamshidi, Iran

“Just walking, seeing and saying nothing and seeing the result at the end of the day. Giving myself to the road and being on the road. Hearing the honest comments Seeing throw a window that dear Nikos opens to my eyes, and exploring my country Even myself more than it. My second workshop. I wait for

Evşen Süleymanoğlu, Turkey

I feel privileged for having the opportunity to join Nikos’s workshops two times in six months. Seeing the way that he is present during the workshops and providing his continuous availability for sharing not only technical, but also esthetic and photographic language with different materials and stories makes me understand more the reason i felt

Martha Driessen, Mexico

Most recently, I participated in the Argentina/Uruguay workshop with NIkos. This was my third workshop with him. Each one has been as different as the countries we visit, our photography levels, and the wonderful people who participate in them. What is certain each time, is the positive photographic and personal experience. Nikos doesnt hold your

Antonis Kelaidis, Greece

The workshops of Nikos Economopoulos are a great teaching experience. For him there is no “must” or “don’t”. I was suddenly confronted with all my past choices in a way that forced me to go backwards and look for all those things that I had previously discarded in order to re-assess them. At least I

Margreeth Vroom, Netherlands

The workshop with Nikos was a great experience and a wonderful event. The evening reviews were inspiring as Nikos proved to be not only a gifted photographer but also a patient teacher and reviewer. He truly possesses the didactical skills to explain what elements are required in building up a good photograph. Naturally the workshop was

Cecile Barou, France

All along this workshop, I’ve learnt and understood many many things, photographically and personally. My vision of photography has considerably changed. After these eight days, I feel really motivated to carry on learning, practicing and enjoying photography. This experience was very fruitful and positive. Moreover, I appreciated that you give a chance to every person. Thank

Seungwoo Chae, Korea

My name is Seungwoo Chae. I’m working as a photographer for a newspaper in Korea. I was feeling that something was missing in my photography. I wanted to know what I needed. Consequently, it was great idea to participate to Nikos’ workshop. He told me and showed me what was ‘photographic’. I felt to return

Martha Driessen, Mexico/USA

I just returned from my 5th workshop with Nikos. This was the second time I joined him in Cuba. It was, once again, an amazing experience. It is very exciting when you know what to expect: growth, challenge, intellectual stimulation, encouragement and friendship. You can count on these every time. As many participants have pointed

Lars Just, Danemark

For me as a professional photojournalist, to be with Nikos takes me back to photography where surprise and curiosity are key elements, instead of telling the story as specific as possible – as many editors seek today. Working in a fast moving newsflow, photojournalism needs surprise to stop readers, and Niko’s photography does exactly that.

Lars Just, Danemark

Most of all I would like to thank you for inspiring me. I’m still in a learning process in photojournalism, but I felt I needed to know more about photography before moving on. I really enjoyed turning things around. Working with single visual impacts, instead of storytelling photojournalism, took me back to the roots of

Roc Herms Pont, Spain

The workshop was great. The city, the reviews and your advice helped me out to feel more confident and find a different approach to photography.

Negar Yaghmaian, Iran

I met Nikos last April in Iran’s workshop for the first time.We traveled for ten days and that trip changed my perception of photography. He taught me how to go beyond the limits and break strict rules and let creativity inspire me to create my own photography style. After 7 months,I decided to participate in another workshop

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