participants’ work
The photographs presented in this section are the final outcome of each workshop.
Their creators range from professional photographers to people who may have just learned how to hold a camera.
The challenge in these workshops is how to bring out each one’s unique glance.
Click on each participant’s name to view the portfolio full-screen.
Giorgos Zografidis, Greece
This workshop provided me with a new prism at taking photographs including more sentiment and injecting more thought and content to my work. As a newcomer to “Street photography”, the workshop allowed me to quickly get into a pace and experiment with this new to me approach, producing some fair results quite quickly. Invaluable was the fact that I gained a
This workshop provided me with a new prism at taking photographs including more sentiment and injecting more thought and content to my work. As a newcomer to “Street photography”, the workshop allowed me to quickly get into a pace and experiment with this new to me approach, producing some fair results quite quickly. Invaluable was the fact that I gained a lot from the positive evaluation by Nikos of my other coworkers’ work. This evaluation demonstrated to me things to avoid once I get further down in my own journey and also experience paradigms of good quality work that I could try and experiment with. Things that take ages to discover, are presented to you during one week’s teamwork. Absolutely a positive experience with a lot of new friends that I really enjoyed!
Fatma Khamis, Kuwait
Thank you for another amazing workshop. I feel that not only I noticed the great improvement of the quality of my work, but also feel that Nikos is not only a great teacher & mentor but also a great friend. Also interacting with talented photographers from all over the world added a lot to the
Thank you for another amazing workshop. I feel that not only I noticed the great improvement of the quality of my work, but also feel that Nikos is not only a great teacher & mentor but also a great friend. Also interacting with talented photographers from all over the world added a lot to the experience. What is amazing about this workshop was the fact that all attendees were at different levels. Being able to provide assistance to all showed Nikos’s ability as a great teacher. I think each one of us returned home with many goals to pursue & ideas to improve their work. I am more clear about what I want to photograph, what lens I want to buy next, and needing to work on my weak ‘editing’ skills. I just wanted to thank you and thank all attendees for this great workshop. I learned a lot from each one of you! I am really looking forward to being on the road again.
Monica Trachsel, Switzerland
I sometimes felt like a first year violin player in a master class. I do not mind feeling a bit stupid at times and think I profit a lot by learning of the best. I have learned a lot and will continue to do so for quite some time. And hopefully, I will be able
I sometimes felt like a first year violin player in a master class. I do not mind feeling a bit stupid at times and think I profit a lot by learning of the best. I have learned a lot and will continue to do so for quite some time. And hopefully, I will be able to join other workshops (…) I liked the approach very much – giving advice on the one hand and letting the participants find their own way on the other. And then, of course, the voyage was marvellous, extraordinary in the purest sense of the word.
Monica Trachsel, Switzerland
Thank you for another great workshop. During my week in Athens I believe to have again improved my photographic skills and at the same time was able to acquire important knowledge on how to take pictures in difficult situations, i.e. in this case taking pictures of people having to live under precarious circumstances and taking
Thank you for another great workshop. During my week in Athens I believe to have again improved my photographic skills and at the same time was able to acquire important knowledge on how to take pictures in difficult situations, i.e. in this case taking pictures of people having to live under precarious circumstances and taking to the streets. Athens during the financial crisis struck me as a city of strong social distinction with poverty becoming strongly visible in the streets of some areas and on the other hand still keeping its friendly, sunny side for which it also stands. I finally ended up trying to show these contrast in my pictures ̶ as it seemed to me that focusing on one side only would not show an equitable picture of Athens in the situation of the financial crisis. There is still positive energy certainly among the young. I enjoyed the evening sessions with the other students in the workshop as always pleasant and informative. I am looking forward to the next workshop I will be able to attend.
Jose Paulo Madeira, Portugal
The workshop in Lisbon was very enlightening for me, since I don’t normally do this kind of photography. After sharing these days with Nikos and the other participants, I find myself noticing things more, actually “seeing” people and their interaction with each other and the immediate environment. It was an eye opener and this kind
The workshop in Lisbon was very enlightening for me, since I don’t normally do this kind of photography. After sharing these days with Nikos and the other participants, I find myself noticing things more, actually “seeing” people and their interaction with each other and the immediate environment. It was an eye opener and this kind of photography is something that is gradually becoming more enticing and enjoyable for me. Besides, the way Nikos leads the participants gives them complete freedom to experiment and achieve durable results, while gently guided by a master towards better and better images and a keener vision. He hides nothing from the participants and genuinely strives to give everyone an unforgettable experience. Nikos Economopoulos, thank you very much for a very enjoyable week.
Alex Wydler, Switzerland
“It’s a unique opportunity to push yourself a step further in photography. Challenge yourself! Leave all you know (or might know) about photography behind you. Face the reviews in the evenings and go out the next morning and try to do better than the day before. Thats what I did and since then I know
“It’s a unique opportunity to push yourself a step further in photography. Challenge yourself! Leave all you know (or might know) about photography behind you. Face the reviews in the evenings and go out the next morning and try to do better than the day before. Thats what I did and since then I know that good photography is more then just colors, lines, structures and shapes. I look forward going to the next workshop with Nikos and to try to push myself once again a step further.”
Fernando Retuerto Pineiro, Spain
…The workshop in Istanbul has been a great experience for me. Some points I got from it are the following: I trust myself a little bit more and now I think my personal view is as valid as any other to describe a city or a place. I have to work much on this subject:
…The workshop in Istanbul has been a great experience for me. Some points I got from it are the following: I trust myself a little bit more and now I think my personal view is as valid as any other to describe a city or a place. I have to work much on this subject: What do objetivity and subjetivity mean in photography? Moreover, Istanbul is a fantastic city to make oneself questions such as: What do contemporaneity mean? I have become more motivated to go through the work of different photographers…
Christos Georgalas, Greece
4th time on Nikos’ workshop – be careful, it can become addictive! Seriously, like most people who have followed him on his workshops, I keep being impressed with how effective these workshops are for bringing the best out of everyone : I am thinking how difficult it would be in my job to deal with
4th time on Nikos’ workshop – be careful, it can become addictive! Seriously, like most people who have followed him on his workshops, I keep being impressed with how effective these workshops are for bringing the best out of everyone : I am thinking how difficult it would be in my job to deal with apprentices at such different levels of skills, from completely amateur to accomplished professional: Nikos manages to pull the trick every time – his natural humbleness and humanity and interest in people make it seem effortless. And the interactions between the team and Nikos is always one of the best things about the course – how you always end up meeting interesting people and getting close to them.
Christine FitzGerald, Ireland
The Myanmar “on the road” trip was such an enjoyable and memorable experience. I really enjoyed meeting Nikos, and all the other participants, and have genuinely learnt so much, which is gradually finding it’s way into my photography. Nikos’s passion for photography was inspiring. I found him to be a great teacher, warm, genuine, direct,
The Myanmar “on the road” trip was such an enjoyable and memorable experience. I really enjoyed meeting Nikos, and all the other participants, and have genuinely learnt so much, which is gradually finding it’s way into my photography. Nikos’s passion for photography was inspiring. I found him to be a great teacher, warm, genuine, direct, and generous in sharing his wealth of insight and experience. Nikos encouraged us to create interesting photographs that went beyond the purely descriptive. Day by day, through the editing process, the resulting portfolios grew to reflect each participant’s personal response to the people and places we encountered along the way. The experience was made all the more enjoyable by sharing it with a group of interesting, creative people. I found the workshop challenging but hugely rewarding, and I know that I will continue to apply all that I have learnt, thanks Nikos!
Stan De Zoysa, Spain
Working with Nikos in Istanbul was personally an eye-opener for me. His insight and way of seeing changed my entire approach to photography. If you want to take your photography to the next level and make meaningful images I highly recommend his workshops for you. This was my first workshop with Nikos and he impressed
Working with Nikos in Istanbul was personally an eye-opener for me. His insight and way of seeing changed my entire approach to photography. If you want to take your photography to the next level and make meaningful images I highly recommend his workshops for you. This was my first workshop with Nikos and he impressed me so much that I’m hoping to repeat someday soon if time and work permits. Thank you, Nikos, for your patience and sharing your vision with me!
Graciela Magnoni, Uruguay
I’ve participated in Nikos’ workshops 7 times. It’s never enough. The experience is so enriching that as soon as it is done you find yourself planing for the next one! The Ghana workshop was incredibly fulfilling. Every participant was talented, lots of very good images emerged during the 11 day workshop. Nikos always challenges everybody
I’ve participated in Nikos’ workshops 7 times. It’s never enough. The experience is so enriching that as soon as it is done you find yourself planing for the next one! The Ghana workshop was incredibly fulfilling. Every participant was talented, lots of very good images emerged during the 11 day workshop. Nikos always challenges everybody at many levels. It is very personal. Nikos’ workshop is a journey that gives you the inspiration and direction to find and deepen your personal vision. Nikos is a mentor, an amazing human being who always celebrates good images made during his workshop with joy and passion. He is genuine and sincere. He has a sharp eye for editing. He does not tell you what to do, he does not impose his own style. It’s a common effort. It’s like a visual catharsis. This is why it is so fulfilling to participate in his workshops. It’s all about growing visually in a collaborative and friendly environment. Once you are on the road with Nikos you stay on the road with Nikos because the journey never ends.
Andrew Fraser, United Kingdom
I would like to say how much I enjoyed the Istanbul workshop, from all the photographic advice and guidance that you gave me to the pleasure of exploring the city and walking through areas that I might not have visited on a normal ‘city break’ trip. The maps and descriptions of the various neighbourhoods proved
I would like to say how much I enjoyed the Istanbul workshop, from all the photographic advice and guidance that you gave me to the pleasure of exploring the city and walking through areas that I might not have visited on a normal ‘city break’ trip. The maps and descriptions of the various neighbourhoods proved very useful and it gave me a focus on how to structure the day. I always looked forward to the editing sessions in the evening and all the feedback you were able to give. Each day I tried to refine my photography, taking into account what you had said the previous evening. By the end of the workshop I could see my technique improving and I was very happy with the final edited sequence. I feel that the experience was very positive and the effect it has had on my photography is that I have the confidence to get closer to the subject and also to dig a little deeper and not just take the obvious ‘tourist’ type of photograph.
Colin Steel, Scotland
I really had great time in Istanbul and found the workshop every bit as challenging as I had hoped. The blend of nationalities was great and I think it was a good idea to move the sessions to the middle of the day to allow shooting in better light. I guess the only thing was
I really had great time in Istanbul and found the workshop every bit as challenging as I had hoped. The blend of nationalities was great and I think it was a good idea to move the sessions to the middle of the day to allow shooting in better light. I guess the only thing was that removed the social aspect a little as I guess in the evenings we would have had a meal or some beers afterwards and a chance to talk more on a personal level. From my personal perspective, I did find the workshop extremely challenging and I do find it a little hard to force shooting and I did struggle to find photographs that express my thinking. Having said that, this was exactly the reason I came, to be challenged and taken forward in my photographic evolution. I can safely say that since the workshop I am much more demanding of myself and no longer tolerate shots that are safe or just plain nice. I think the workshop facility and location was superb, and I really enjoyed meeting all the guys. Maybe some more reviews of local photographers work would have been good as it’s always nice to see a different perspective. I do hope to make it to some of your future workshops and am even thinking of Istanbul again in December as I love the city so much.
Margreeth Vroom, Netherlands
The workshop with Nikos was a great experience and a wonderful event. The evening reviews were inspiring as Nikos proved to be not only a gifted photographer but also a patient teacher and reviewer. He truly possesses the didactical skills to explain what elements are required in building up a good photograph. Naturally the workshop was
The workshop with Nikos was a great experience and a wonderful event. The evening reviews were inspiring as Nikos proved to be not only a gifted photographer but also a patient teacher and reviewer. He truly possesses the didactical skills to explain what elements are required in building up a good photograph. Naturally the workshop was frustrating at the same time as one comes to realize what skills are required in order to perform photography at this level. Nonetheless, it is definitely learning process that I want to experience again, so I’m studying my agenda and Nikos’ website to try to decide when I can sign up again.
Matteo Daidone, Italy
Those few seconds you waste thinking too much about whether to take that picture or not. This is what you learn to get rid of when joining an On the Road workshop. In this respect, working with Nikos is a sort of liberating experience. You learn to let it go, to just go with the
Those few seconds you waste thinking too much about whether to take that picture or not. This is what you learn to get rid of when joining an On the Road workshop.
In this respect, working with Nikos is a sort of liberating experience. You learn to let it go, to just go with the flow. And you do it because the camera eventually becomes your main means of communication. It’s no more an object you use to do something but, instead, it turns into an essential part of the creative process. You start feeling the images through the viewfinder and not just seeing them.
And, as a matter of fact, this is really good fun!
In this respect, working with Nikos is a sort of liberating experience. You learn to let it go, to just go with the flow. And you do it because the camera eventually becomes your main means of communication. It’s no more an object you use to do something but, instead, it turns into an essential part of the creative process. You start feeling the images through the viewfinder and not just seeing them.
And, as a matter of fact, this is really good fun!
Andrey Volkov, Belgium
I would like to express my gratitude to Nikos for being not only an attentive and demanding photography mentor, but also for being a humble, caring and infinitely friendly person. It was always a pleasure for us to share with him not only ideas about photography, but also numerous stories about his life and adventures. I
I would like to express my gratitude to Nikos for being not only an attentive and demanding photography mentor, but also for being a humble, caring and infinitely friendly person. It was always a pleasure for us to share with him not only ideas about photography, but also numerous stories about his life and adventures. I feel that in that week my photographic skills moved to a completely new level. The first few days have been a bit of a strugle as I tried to implement Nikos’ technical suggestions and made sure I really followed his advice, but at the end the magic happened and I felt like my vision had changed once and forever.
Keng-Fun Loh, Singapore
“This is my third workshop with Nikos and even though I should know what to expect, it was still such an intense journey from agony, elation through awakening, without any bullshit. It was like a much needed spiritual cleansing to expel the bad habits for a simple goal to make a better photograph that’s visually
“This is my third workshop with Nikos and even though I should know what to expect, it was still such an intense journey from agony, elation through awakening, without any bullshit. It was like a much needed spiritual cleansing to expel the bad habits for a simple goal to make a better photograph that’s visually valid. Nikos, thank you for pushing me further – I know my next workshops with you will be just as rewarding.”
Lars Just, Danemark
Most of all I would like to thank you for inspiring me. I’m still in a learning process in photojournalism, but I felt I needed to know more about photography before moving on. I really enjoyed turning things around. Working with single visual impacts, instead of storytelling photojournalism, took me back to the roots of
Most of all I would like to thank you for inspiring me. I’m still in a learning process in photojournalism, but I felt I needed to know more about photography before moving on. I really enjoyed turning things around. Working with single visual impacts, instead of storytelling photojournalism, took me back to the roots of photography. I’ve learned a lot by doing so. In a way I tried to copy you and those that inspire you, Cartier-Bresson etc, and where that in a way sounds like a bad approach (instead of finding my own style), it made me look at pictures in a new way. In photojournalism I’m supposed to tell a story that has to be told directly. Where the message of the picture is delivered instantly. On this trip I learned how to make pictures that make the viewer look an extra time. Where there is no instant message, but where the pictures create curiosity. It is another way in photography. And a style I will try to combine with photojournalism.
Enrique Ramirez, Mexico/USA
My first On the Road workshop was almost a year ago in Oaxaca, Mexico, from which I learned an immense amount. In this one (this time in Ghana), I learned plenty too, not only from Nikos, but also from very good and talented photographers, many of whom have attended several workshops in other places. Nikos
My first On the Road workshop was almost a year ago in Oaxaca, Mexico, from which I learned an immense amount. In this one (this time in Ghana), I learned plenty too, not only from Nikos, but also from very good and talented photographers, many of whom have attended several workshops in other places. Nikos is not only a great photographer, he’s also an open, direct, and natural mentor.
Jerome Percherancier, France
It’s all about sensibility, involvement, balance and control. This is mostly what I have learnt from Nikos workshop. From my day-to-day photos, Nikos directed my feelings and revealed what is the best in me. I started to be more conscious about what I was photographing, what I should photograph, what approach I should apply and
It’s all about sensibility, involvement, balance and control. This is mostly what I have learnt from Nikos workshop. From my day-to-day photos, Nikos directed my feelings and revealed what is the best in me. I started to be more conscious about what I was photographing, what I should photograph, what approach I should apply and what new direction I should explore. I have learned that getting close to people is the key, searching for the right setting and capturing the action at the right moment are essential. Nikos workshop is highly rewarding for those wishing to progress and confront themselves with street photography. Nikos workshop is a powerful human experience where I have met other interesting friendly photographers from different backgrounds, cultures and objectives in life. Nikos outspoken, honest critical look and simplicity, as personal qualities, make the workshop unique and very valuable for anybody wishing to move to next level in photography. Thank you Nikos for your true sympathy.