I participated in 5 workshops with Nikos Economopoulos. He keeps guiding me so that I can keep defining my photographic style. Always pointing out and reminding to avoid cliches, déjà vu, mannerism, easy formulas, tricks, boring images and the list goes on. Always making sure we prioritize content and form to make strong images that are genuine and not pure repetitions of cheap art or just images describing a scene. He guides each participants at his/her own level and needs. He never imposes a style, he works with each participant’s own style. He is great at telling what is good and what is not good. He is not commercial. He is direct and really frank. In my opinion the most important is that he is fully engaged when editing and commenting on our work. When he sees a good image, it makes his day. It is evident that he loves to teach. Every one keeps improving. Once you are On the Road with Nikos you keep coming back. It’s just the way it is.