(…) During this workshop, (the) edition pointed clearly that the kind of connection I establish with people and the environment while photographing them reflects on the kind of photography i make. Thus through photography I got an interesting connection with istanbullus, with the city and with myself. In that intense week I went hardly into the search for the purest photographic substance in Istanbul, photographing street scenes the whole days in different neighborhoods with a fixed 35mm in hands and no specific subject or assignment, but the mission to get very few shots, among hundreds, of these very dynamic moments in which things get right in the frame at the right time. At the end of the days, I think the editions had very high standards and at the same time were didatic, with helpful comments and good discussing with the participants – a very stimulating group, with people I really enjoyed meeting. After the workshop, I’m satisfied with the portfolio I made. And feel inspired to keep producing my personal work. Besides, with your edition and coordination the photography workshop potencialized the warm experience I had at my first time in Istanbul. (…) They’ve been very helpful and showed me a different path to follow in my photographic work.